Salt Road
The “Salt Road” emerges in the mountains of Mount Panetolikos as a revived path of historical, commercial and religious importance for the region, since in the past it was the main artery for the movement of people and products from Aitoloakarnania to Evrytania.
The salt was loaded by the carriers onto pack animals and they took the uphill road towards Prousos and Karpenisi.
The path fell into disuse with the opening of the road in the 1960s, with the wild forested landscape erasing most of its traces.
As Alexandros Pallis mentions in his hiking story about the path:
“But I will not tell you the story at length, no matter how warm my enthusiasm is, because, you labor in vain if you try to faithfully or closely depict natural beauties with words. He who loves them, let him strive to see them”
Nowadays, the path is mainly used by pilgrims during the period of August 15th.

21.72 km



1196 m

1126 m

Highest Point
1459 m

Lowest point
Elevation Profile